Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Mayor is Abolishing Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment; NC seriously threatened.

There was a meeting yesterday afternoon held at City Hall with Deputy Mayor Larry Frank and the Neighborhood Council members to discuss the plan for NCs. The announcement was made that DONE is no more, merging with the Community Development Department, phasing out to begin next week and finished by July.

"DONE is Done: Mayor Abolishes Dept. Of Neighborhood Empowerment, Dismantling Starts Next Week," By Ron Kaye on February 20, 2010, 11:32 AM

"DONE is Done -- Mayor Abolishing Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment," Written by Al Abrams, DONE Board Member, Saturday, 20 February 2010.

Note that operation of the elections now in progress among the 9 regions affecting 89 NCs is sougt to shifted from the Clerk's office to the NCs directly to save money. Penny wise and pound foolish. The NCs are not now equipped to instantly takeover this and the NEXT elections would be more logically possible. CM Greig Smith came up with that gem of an idea. I can forsee a lot of integrity of process issues that could undermine the entire NC elections if this goes forward. Contact your CM and voice opposition to this not-well-thought-out plan brought to us by CM Greig Smith.