Monday, March 09, 2009

STATE Tax Revolt Rally Saturday - L.A. Times ignores it.

On Saturday afternoon in Fullerton there were thousands of people showing up for a anti-tax hike rally that was arranged by KFI AM-640 radio talk show hosts, John and Ken. You may not like J&K generally, but thousands were united in their common anger about the tax situation that Sacramento legislators gave us, and they continue to bring out more information that politicians try not to reveal.

The taxes that are hitting everyone come from all directions, including from the State level where the recently approved budget was passed due to 3 Republican legislators crossing over and voting for the largest tax raises in state history, turning their backs on an earlier "no new taxes" pledge that had all the durability of a paper plate at a kid's birthday party. That whole tax vote holdout drama turns out to have been orchestrated among all the players, with the Republican leadership working behind the scenes to choose who will cast the "Yes" votes.

This was the webpage concept that put the offending Republicans out in public view to show the about-face that they pulled in their pledged position to not accept a raise in taxes. California is the "Number One" state in income taxes, gas taxes and a few other things. The taxes kick in at lower amounts and at higher rates here in California as compared to other states with income taxes. In many places, the sales tax will be going into double-digits.

Well, the rally idea was a big chance for thousands to come together- estimates were about 15,000, although some others came up with lower figures, and some estimates were higher. Many were unable to arrive at the site due to the huge numbers that caused backups on the freeway off ramps and gave up and others were so determined to have a showing of their displeasure with Sacramento, that they endured some long walks between their parking site and the rally location.

The L.A. Times ignored the story, with some very unconvincing reasons given for their decision on passing over the story. There was a lot of other media coverage and the afternoon event sends the message to Sacramento that there will be big numbers against them in upcoming elections, with many working on recalls. J&K urge people to email LA Times California Editor David Lauter who decided other stories mattered more. See that item on the website at KFI, "Proof the LA Times doesn’t care about how tax hikes will affect you!" (KFI link at the end of this item).

FREE ACCESS TO L.A. RADIO. COM today to see complete story and photos of the event in Fullerton-
You can read about the report on Don Barrett's LA Radio.Com, , a subscriber website about all things in Los Angeles radio, but for now, just type in "KFI" FOR "USER NAME, AND then AGAIN FOR the "PASSWORD" and you can read about it- and about a few other stories while you are on the site. (This is one of my favorite sites and I still haven't read all of any particular day but I like the variety to choose from.) This access is free and for a limited time- like maybe just today until tomorrow's stories post and today's items move to the "archives" category.


The John & Ken website page on KFI has lots more on your favorite politicians and the data that lets you see how badly they are taking your money from you in taxes. There's a few "recalls" coming closer to happening, too. The spinning Arnold on a sword is too good for words.