Monday, March 02, 2009

A message on other measures on ballot- More costs

The Measure B ballot item is not the only form of expense coming at you this election.

There are A and E that need a NO vote.

The others may not be "evil" but will cost and on that basis alone in this recession, should carefully considered before being approved to add to public expense. However, Measures C and D go to disabled chidren survivors benefit of fire and police pension plan, and survivors benefit purchase plan, and serve an actual good purpose.

When measures are put into THIS first election of 2009, you already know that people are planning to play the game to get approval in a low-voter-turnout election when no one really pays attention. This happened with MEASURE B but was so ONE-SIDED against consumers and other businesses that it was caught right away.

BOND MEASURES cost money. Some voters read the ballot and think, "That sounds good." Remember the November elections and Subway to the Sea, and the Bullet Train to San Francisco? What ever the cost stated to be BORROWED, it's paid back WITH INTEREST to make the cost about DOUBLE. Meanwhile you have nothing useable- no train, no subway- for years and years, but the bills are there anyway.

BONDS ARE NOT FREE. Approval means more that government has to be paying, as if enough was not there. Think of that before you say, "That sounds nice." You may be leaving things for your children and their children to be paying off as a result of your good thoughts on the measure.