Friday, March 13, 2009

City Council off until March 20th- Friday, the next dog-and-pony-show

Council is on a break until next Friday's usual "presentations and awards" where some deserved recognition and some simply vote-getting awards will be given. All however, take too long, are the epitome of butt-kissing.

This event really uses up all the congratulatory words in each council person's vocabulary to stretch these things out beyond human tolerance. Everything is "outstanding" or "strong leadership" and "fine example"- all the things that Council Members are not. You can see that even the recipients and families can't wait to leave and are gone in less two minutes after receiving their awards.

The people who come to speak at the meetings on regular matters are the victims on those days. They are the most abused and neglected on these Friday departures from their regular robotic routine of rubber-stamping each others motions- with little attention paid to content as most clearly demonstrated with the mindless approval of that nasty "Measure B Solar Energy" ballot proposition before the holiday season late last year- and with less attention paid to the struggles many endure (aside from the tortuous awards presentations themselves) in order to be there at city hall.

That is easily remedied by having actual business conducted FIRST- I am sure the recipients of awards will be glad to wait for these things to come to them, and having to get to downtown a little later will be better for all who can avoid more traffic by coming in an hour or two later.

Think of the impact less vehicles stuck in traffic can make, Mr. Garcetti, as you remind us of all the green power efforts at each opportunity. This could be another one. And Business Before Pleasure could be a mantra for city hall. But City Council rudeness and inconsiderate behavior rules here. Don't expect rationale, logical, compassionate changes to happen because they just don't care.

And today were are spared more giveaways of city tax money. The City Council approved the following last Friday as “special event waivers”- only two items were to be “reimbursed” to the city:

ITEM NO. (21)
09-0446 et al. MOTIONS relative to “Special Events” to be held
in the various Council Districts. Recommendations for Council action: DECLARE
the following community events as “Special Events”; APPROVE any temporary street
closures as requested; and, INSTRUCT the involved City departments to perform
such services as detailed the Council motions attached to the various listed
Council files, including the waiver of fees, costs and requirements and other
related issues, as specified:

09-0446 CD 13 a. MOTION (GARCETTI - ZINE)
relative to declaring the Armenian Independence Day Festival on May 31, 2009 a
Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City = $10,999).

07-1532-S1 CD 15 b. MOTION (LABONGE for HAHN - ALARCON) relative to
declaring the Harbor Adult School Graduation on June 16, 2009 a Special Event
(fees and costs absorbed by the City = $1,226).

09-0449 CD 15 c. MOTION
(LABONGE for HAHN - ALARCON) relative to declaring the 2009 Independence Day
celebration at Cabrillo Beach on July 4, 2009 a Special Event (fees and costs
absorbed by the City = $7,880).

08-1485-S1 CD 15 d. MOTION (LABONGE for
HAHN - ALARCON) relative to declaring the 14th Annual Wilmington Family Picnic
on June 13, 2009 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City = $1,220).

09-0450 CD 11 e. MOTION (ROSENDAHL - SMITH) relative to declaring the
Purim Block Party on March 10, 2009 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by
the City = $2,651).

relative to declaring the X-Men After Party at Avalon on March 2, 2009 a Special
Event (the event sponsor shall reimburse the City for all fees and costs
associated with this event).

09-0453 CD 13 g. MOTION (GARCETTI -
LABONGE) relative to declaring the Nike Presents: Living with Armstrong on March
7, 2009 a Special Event (the event sponsor shall reimburse the City for all fees
and costs associated with this event).

09-0454 CD 13 h. MOTION (GARCETTI
- LABONGE) relative to declaring the Enchantment of Beauty and the Beast on
March 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, and March 26, 2009 a Special Event (fees and
costs absorbed by the City = $13,136).

And then they came back for the next meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2009, with the following:

NO. (36)
09-0473 et al. MOTIONS relative to “Special Events” to be held in
the various Council Districts. Recommendations for Council action: DECLARE the
following community events as “Special Events”; APPROVE any temporary street
closures as requested; and, INSTRUCT the involved City departments to perform
such services as detailed the Council motions attached to the various listed
Council files, including the waiver of fees, costs and requirements and other
related issues, as specified:

09-0473 CD 4 a. MOTION (LABONGE -
GARCETTI) relative to declaring the Los Feliz Village Holiday Festival on
December 5, 2009 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City = $2,925).

09-0472 CD 4 b. MOTION (LABONGE - GARCETTI) relative to declaring the
Oaks Halloween Walk on October 31, 2009 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed
by the City = $1,188).

relative to declaring the Halloween Block Party on October 31, 2009 a Special
Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City = $1,288).

09-0475 CD 9 d.
MOTION (PERRY - GARCETTI) relative to declaring the Operation School Bell on
Wheels on March 12, 2009 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City =

09-0471 CD 5 e. MOTION (GARCETTI for WEISS - PERRY) relative to
declaring the Temple Isaiah’s Purim Carnival on March 8, 2009 a Special Event
(fees and costs absorbed by the City = $1,200).

08-0401-S1 CD 5 f.
MOTION (GARCETTI for WEISS - PERRY) relative to declaring the Temple Beth-Am’s
Purim Carnival on March 8, 2009 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the
City = $1,198).

09-0315 CD 15 MOTION (HAHN - LABONGE) relative to
amending previous Council action in connection with a Special Event declaration
for the 42nd Annual Palos Verdes Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K Community Run
and Walk on May 2, 2009. Recommendation for Council action: AMEND the Council
action of February 18, 2009 relative to the Special Event declaration for the
42nd Annual Palos Verdes Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K Community Run and Walk on May 2, 2009 sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Rolling Hills Estates (Council
file No. 09-0315) to waive all fees, costs and requirements associated with this
event, except insurance requirements. Approval of this request will mean that an
estimated $4,226 in fees and salary costs will be absorbed by the City.

At a time when city employees and services are being cut, celebration might not be so quickly paid for by tax dollars.