Monday, March 02, 2009

“B” is for “BOONDOGGLE”- Local Elections Tomorrow

Definition: boondoggle (noun): "A wasteful or project or activity often involving graft."

That is sums up what Solar Measure B really is about.

Measure B is the most un-ready measure to be placed on a ballot for all the billions of dollars of expense that it will cost, but a main feature is the plan for DWP to be in charge of the solar energy program by changing the City Charter, the city's "consitution" that controls it's operation.

MEASURE B is far from the "free" energy picture that's being painted for you. There is no possibility for you to "sell' any excess power back ever, all belonging to the DWP, and the whole deal is not in your favor, at all.

If the DWP contract was a "sweetheart deal" for the union, this measure is their Christmas and Valentine's Day, all in one.

Remember that, "It's the way of the future" and other slogans just don't correctly address the cost issue- and even supporters of B can only "guess" at the real cost, and that's all going to be winding up on your growing bill.

All the facts to give us solid figures are not in or are still just expectations, not absolutes. Everything is in terms of estimates and not even very good ones. But the City Council put that risk on YOU, just to get it to the ballot by the deadline for THIS election when most voters don't come out. Tricks? Certainly. The Council is skilled in some things and getting things by you is their specialty.

Two items for examples:
IBEW union workers will love it because all others are made INELIGIBLE from doing the installations. Bidding is not permitted and all work will go only to the IBEW, who wrote many terms in the measure.

The job training program in the Measure will give IBEW new members in this closed setting, with the COSTS OF TRAINING the individuals to be paid by YOU, through the DWP pass-through of charges for all they do.

IBEW gets only gravy, AND Consumers the risk- some say they "get screwed- some more."

YOUR city agency should not make YOU respond to THEM- things are backwards. The PUBLIC is who is to be served BY the DWP. Do you hear that Mayor Tony? And David Nahai, attorney picked by Tony to carry out his plans needs to hear that too.

And still the workers should not be viewed as the bad guys, since they just do the work. But the Union leadership is like their lawyer, getting the best money and benefit terms for the members, and ONLY their side is the purpose. MAYOR TONY in 2007 gave some great contract pay and benefit terms, with some very big raises locked in, as his plan to get more union voters on his side.

With financial burdens getting to be more serious as job cutbacks are being made, and costs keep going up, Measure B has the potential for sinking people who are trying to stay afloat.

VOTE NO ON 'B' and don't worry about losing our chance for solar energy- the whole thing can be done again but with a FAIR and COMPLETE plan next time.

FOR NOW, the city politicians are purely tricking you, taking advantage of you, and lying to you for benefits that DON'T go to YOU.... but the BILLING sure will.