Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guess What? Another Football Home Game Tonight

The "City Invitational Tournament," otherwise known to many as the “playoffs,” is in progress, and Lincoln High School will be playing Huntington Park High. This game will be AT Lincoln TONIGHT at 7pm. I mentioned in the last posting that LHS didn’t do badly this year and there you have it.

That last home game on Friday against Wilson was the last “season” home game, but not the “last” one this year. Technicalities, technicalities. Come on down if you want to see the Tigers, who are apparently rated as the underdogs in this game, go for the upset victory.

L.A. Times’ “Varsity Blog” reporter, Eric Sondheimer, makes the predictions on the games and here’s the one for this game:
“Huntington Park at Lincoln. The Eastern League was one of the strongest in the
City Section, and that strong competition will help Huntington Park win.”

See the full posting, with his many other predictions on the matchups, including the reader comments at: . [I see the reader comment by the name of “Sylvia Miller” is in there, too, and she takes another swing at Eagle Rock High in her comments. As in most of her other reader comments and blog postings that she has made in the newspapers when ERHS comes up, she’s using her favorite put-down, “Ego Rock” when mentioning the Eagles. I guess there’s some strong personal history behind the reason for that. I haven’t seen what that reason is myself before in her criticisms that causes her to always bring this into the picture, like here. I bring this up since it’s not really relevant when you consider that ERHS isn’t even in this tournament.]

A current visit to the LHS Official "home page" shows the page view of “This Week @ Lincoln” that is more accurately described as Last Week @ Lincoln.” The short school week for the Thanksgiving holiday is NEXT week, after all. A quick check of the site did not show that there was a game tonight. If you want to help out to get some more people into the stands to cheer on the home team, send this item along by e-mail by clicking the little envelope icon that shows up after the last paragraph here, add some addresses, and you have helped spread the word.

One of the reasons that this blog and the predecessor website came into being was because of the information vacuum on most things involving Lincoln. There was very little way for any alumni to know what was happening in regard to Lincoln High until AFTER the “upcoming events” turned into “Past Events.” This game almost became one of those events had I not received the thoughtful emailing this morning from another LHS alum.