Monday, November 03, 2008

City of LA Propositions and recommendations

Proposition A. Gang & Youth Violence Prevention, After-School & Job Training Programs -- City of Los Angeles (Parcel Tax - Two-Thirds Majority Approval Required)
To address gang violence through prevention and job training programs; preventing students from dropping out of school; funding supervised after-school programs, tutoring/mentoring, vocational/apprenticeship programs, expanded graffiti removal; requiring Controller audits, citizen oversight; funding proven programs; shall the City of Los Angeles levy an annual $36 gang prevention tax, with discounts for low-income seniors, on each real property parcel?

NO, NO, NO- Doesn't this sound like a good title? Beware. Council Member Janice Hahn continues to push for more taxes to cover her proposals that do NOT have a proven track record but WILL make the city property owners pay more for another experiment that channels money into their favorite programs so that it appears to be a worthy expense. It's not.

The city proposals have continued to show that they benefit the image of the officials while the measures just suck money out of the city treasury and improve nothing for us, but enrich the organizations that get hired, usually being connected to the politicians in one or more ways. Some people call these things "scams" and I agree.

The City is over $400 million off their budget, and they don't manage money or programs well at all. This is another scheme to get more from homeowners, made out to have you think it won't hurt too much but add up all the charges the City has been putting on you, little by little, and it's getting worse.
Vote "NO" on Prop. A

Proposition B. Update of Low Rent Housing Authorization -- City of Los Angeles (Ordinance - Majority Approval Required)
Shall existing voter-approved authorization for low rent housing be revised to remove impediments to federal and state funding and requirements not compatible with current housing needs, and authorize the development, construction or acquisition of low rent housing by public entities in the City of Los Angeles, maintaining the previously authorized voter-approved level of 3,500 units per Council District, subject to availability of funding and all City development requirements?

NO- THIS IS not what it seems to be (and that's why they write them up this way) - a NO vote
on this one. The Mayor has this provision to manipulate to favor developers making more deals with him that will make the problems of high density even worse as a result, but allowing deals to be made for developers to get favored treatment. Don't go for this shell game.
Vote "NO" on Prop. B.

These are just the City of LA props;
To see a Directory of Los Angeles County, CA MEASURES , go to