Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Another huge burden on taxpayers, and more money to waste by our LAUSD Board

VOTE "NO" on "Q", $7 Billion dollars alone is unjustified, and ALL this to be put in the hands of LAUSD, one of the most wasteful agencies ever, is not a good deal.
Measure Q. Safe, Healthy Neighborhood Schools -- Los Angeles Unified School District (School Bond - 55% Approval Required)
To improve student health, safety and educational quality, shall the Los Angeles Unified School District: continue repair/upgrade of aging/deteriorating classrooms, restrooms; upgrade fire/earthquake safety; reduce asbestos, lead paint, air pollution, water quality hazards; build/upgrade specialized classrooms students need to meet job/college requirements; improve classroom Internet access by issuing $7 billion in bonds, at legal interest rates; with guaranteed annual audits, citizens’ oversight, no increase in maximum tax rate?


This proposal came from LAUSD, with the figure set for the ballot measure here to be 7 BILLION DOLLARS- and it was decided in one afternoon to double the request from 3-1/2 BILLION DOLLARS- this hows how arrogant and greedy the LAUSD Board is.

What bad actions they done in the past? They have just added 20% to admin salaries; the enrollment in LAUSD continues to shrink but they continue to build school, at the same time displacing residents, often in poorer areas of town; they continue to throw money at problems in education and they don't work. In the past year we saw their payroll catastrophe for employees that fouled up their pay checks from bad software they used at a cost reported to be hundreds of millions of dollars. They have wasted millions of dollars in bad construction deals- An Echo Park site that cost homes to residents was shut down by a Superior Court order after they took too many shortcuts on procedures- tax payers cover the loss. See the Citywatch, May 2, 2008, story on LAUSD examples of waste, http://www.citywatchla.com/content/view/1206/75/

The Beaudry and First St. toxic waste and earthquake fault site is the most expensive high school in the U.S, actually, in the world. The final cost to be over $4o0 Million- opened in October, 10 years behind schedule. To make it nicer, they called it "The Roybal Learning Center".

The old Board of Ed site on Grand Avenue downtown has a high school still not opened it's flashy Arts high school that is running a bill of $232 Million dollars that has a "rollercoaster" design added for a monument to design, above a performing arts theater, that at an ADDED $49 Million to the cost of and adding another year to the opening. In May 2008, L.A. Times' columnist wrote about it http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-lopez4-2008may04,0,4743795.column In 2001, the estimate to build the high school was $30 million. Grand Avenue downtown developers pushed for that change to make THEIR project look more fancy for investors- at taxpayer expense.

You can see the Sept. 3, 2008 story on this in the "L.A. Weekly" for a vivid example of expense without direction, "Art School or LAUSD Folly?" http://www.laweekly.com/2008-09-04/news/art-school-or-lausd-folly/

The school still will not open for another year- meanwhile, more students suffer from not having this when it could have met a need AND closer to $30 million that the $230 million range.
The LAUSD broke ground on a new high school in Glassel Park in the old Taylor Yard train site that they paid $50 million to a developer who bought it out from under them 2 years ago when they were too slow to pay $30 million, so they used eminent domain to get the property and the settled selling price gave the developer that $20 million profit in 2 years for his initial $30 million purchase- LAUSD costs taxpayers HUGE amounts of money over and over.

See http://outside.in/Lincoln_Heights_Los_Angeles_CA/tags/lausd for some references to news stories about these and other example of WHY LAUSD should not be in charge of money. This is shown in many of the stories, and this is their history, not just a couple of bad deals.

NO ON "Q".