Monday, April 27, 2009

A quick look back to music top of 1970 on this date.

Checking the L.A. column for Monday and the Top 5 in the flashback section took me back to a much younger time of life:

Top Five Flashback, April 27, 1970: ABC by the Jackson 5, Let It Be by the Beatles, Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum, American Woman/No Sugar Tonight by the Guess Who, Instant Karma by John Lennon.

It was yet another interesting time in history. At that time there was another year to go before college graduation and the Vietnam War was still a major life factor, President Nixon was in the middle of his first term of office, and many of the rock legends were beginning to become victims of their lifestyles involving drug use. But the music was still pushing the 60's sounds of assorted types, not moved into the 70's Disco phase yet and you could understand the lyrics without too much work; well, you could understand what the words were, but some meanings were still mostly imagery of assorted imaginations.