Friday, April 24, 2009

Grilled Cheese At the "Cornfield"- 2009 Competition Saturday

Here's something that I got clued into by CM Ed Reyes, CD-1, during Friday's "announcements" at the end of the Council meeting. Besides all the Council Members' mutual back-patting going on about the work of Reyes in his CD, it seems that there's a Grilled Cheese contest that is called, "The Grilled Cheese Invitational" happening tomorrow, Saturday, April 25th, beginning at Noon and continuing to 6 p.m.

Los Angeles State Historic Park
1245 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

See: includes a Google map. It's close to Chinatown, by the Gold Line's Chinatown Station, and it seems that if you pay, you can judge and get to eat lots of samples, too. Parking may get slim and using the rail line is suggested (read the linked announcement).

I never heard of this event before, not even the publicity, but if you are in the area, it might be interesting- read the information at the linked site above.

If you don't remember the train yards by Chinatown- well, that's a park now, off of North Spring St. where it meets Alameda St. They gave it a cleaned up name of Los Angeles State Historic Park. That sounds important but it doesn't tell much of what's the "historic" part of that place. I guess that's not the important part anyway- at least they didn't have it named after a person or corporations; I am so tired of those deals. But keep checking for that idea coming up- fortunately, it's not a city property, but a State piece, so it won't be pimped off for cash like the plans for the Zoo, the city parking facilities and meters, the Convention Center and a few more things to get the City budget balanced. Be on the lookout for that.