Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The L.A. Times puts up a "City Elections" stories page that makes for some good reading

The Los Angeles Times has collected their stories on the City Election and for those of you who don't like to rely on television ads for "truth." This page, with the stories and comments, brings some really refreshing actions out into the public view, some things that would not be getting out if some candidates and other politicians had their way.

There is a story about Jane Usher an attorney who resigned from her position as the President of the city's Planning Commission after seeing some real problems going on and making her views public. The views were not what the Mayor wanted to hear or be spoken from somebody he put into the position and she resigned a couple of months ago.

"Sharp words in race for L.A. city attorney
Prominent ex-planning commissioner backs Nuch Trutanich, takes a swipe at Jack Weiss' 'reliance' on lobbyists, " by David Zahniser,
February 12, 2009.,0,4018471.story

Ms. Usher has decided to endorse Trutanuch as City Attorney hopeful, and that means a complete split from Villaraigosa, who supports JACK WEISS for the office. (Do not confuse Jack Weiss [bad] with Noel Weiss [good] both running for City Attorney.) For Jack, think of Mayor Villaraigosa saying "Jump!" to "JUMPING JACK FLASH" WEISS, who will answer "How high?"and you will have an easier time sorting out who's who with the Weisses. Noel will say "NO"- so that image should help.

But read the story, very short and to the point. Ms. Usher just makes her displeasure so clear, and the descriptions of JACK WEISS and current City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo are pretty much so on-target. Other politicians who, like the Mayor, endorse JACK are all Tony's political buddies and the phrase, "What do you expect them to say?" applies here. They are doing the favor for old Tony, as some of them got Tony's help to get into their own offices.