Being informed by alumus Mike Ibarra that his son and band, Killsonic, featured in the L.A. TIMES a few weeks back in the downtown L.A. "Art Walk" monthly event, are getting more publicity, I am compelled to relay the following information to you.
So, as I do when the rare occasion arises, I will pass along such news and features contributions as presented to me by members of Lincoln's alumni. Here again, it's that band that is anything but gentle, and the place to see the story, "Killsonic: A 24-Piece L.A. Big Band's 'Cloud of Noise'," is the L.A. Weekly in print, February 18, 2009, or online,
It is really the right band to describe as having a "unique" sound, and maybe even "loud."
Dodgers Brand Slammed
*By Daniel Guss*
*@TheGussReport on Twitter - *The Azul is singing the blues these days as
it discovers capitalism isn't always a home run.
Dodger Stadium -...