Friday, January 20, 2012

Singer Etta James Dies

Singer Etta James died this morning in Riverside, California at the age of 73.  She's best known for singing "At Last" which is one of the songs that you will hear at about any wedding reception.  The L.A. Times has a news item on this at,0,1608543.story .

The life of Etta James included the difficulties of drug use and addiction that was not unusual among many of the artists in music encoutered in their lives, sometimes cutting short those lives  She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and has a star on the Hollywood Boulevard "Walk of Fame."  

I remember her songs as part of the sounds of the 60's but more with lively tunes, ubeat songs, if you will.  The rendition of "At Last" that James made all her own is nothing of that, but a very earthy, very sincere love ballad.  I think that the L.A. Times may have a longer obituary coming up for her aside from the announcement now online.