Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nightline "bumped" Zuma Dogg segment from Wednesday's slot

The ABC network notified Zuma Dogg that they have "bumped" his segment that WAS SET for airing tonight, Wednesday. So it will come up anytime AFTER tonight, but exactly "when" is not certain. The easier way to see this segment, unless you just watch Nightline every night anyway, will be to see it on YouTube after it airs, which is what ZD will do.

The segment features the public access television topic, including Leslie Dutton as the host of the "Full Disclosure" program, an investigative television presentation of various topics.

You can see a "Full Disclosure" segment about the New Belmont/ Beaudry high school project- see that program at: - The school finally opened last year as the most expensive high school in the U.S. (followed by the "arts" high school, competed but not ready until after summer, as the second most expensive school in the U.S., also an LAUSD-creation on the old site of the District's headquarters at Grand Avenue and Cesar Chavez).

And that is the update on the ever-changing priorities of network television news.