Thursday, January 29, 2009

2008 Dodger star feeling down- poor Manny Ramirez

After a playing a great role in helping the Dodgers see some post-season play, Manny is feeling down:
Manny Ramirez: 'No one wants to sign me' Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times, Manny Ramirez is still a free agent.,0,5985679.story

I would have to make a wild guess but I say that lots of teams would like to sign Manny, but he's just a bit too expensive and we've got tough times all around, moneywise. Join the rest of the world, Manny, at least until you manage to adjust your price tag and get yourself back onto a major league roster.

And cheer up, lots of teams want you, admit it. It's just the way you look at it. Poor guy, so sad a story.