Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Alumni Meeting Saturday, location change

It's time again for another Alumni Association meeting, and there's a location change that was noted in the email from Mike Ibarra.

It will be at the regular time, 9:30 a.m. but across the streed at the Cafe in the Heights, 3510 North Broadway. Recall that LHS is at 3501 N. Broadway- "Downtown" as many of my teacher trainee colleagues from across the city's expanses called it- but not to us. It's still the Eastside- but not it's not quite "East L.A." as many others like to pigeonhole the school and it's issues.

I don't know why there's a meeting change since school's back in session- add that to the list of things going on with the school and the alumni association that I don't know about. I can only report what people share with me or what I observe first-hand, and this isn't part of that at this time.

There are s few events coming up and I know little about them- especially the poker tournament. My knowledge about poker calls up some freshman memories of college when all-night card games were the cause of some of the more financially well-off students being relieved of some sizeable amounts of cash. That disinterest in poker holds to this day for me.

That tournament is happening on the 28th of August and you can see the sidebar link for the LHS link and see under the Alumni tab for more.