Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Abuses from Assembly Speakers- and it just keeps happening.

The Speakers of the California Assembly seem to be establishing a proud tradition of abusing their power and flaunting their influence. We only have to look at the most recently departed Speaker, Karen Bass, that's done at taxpayer expense, of course- and that's the thread that runs through most of the actitivities that these public officials create.

Karen Bass is no longer the Assembly Speaker but is using drivers and guards that are reserved for the Speaker. The story, "Assemblywoman Continues To Use Speaker Perks," is at the KCAL channel 9 webpage, http://cbs2.com/local/Karen.Bass.Perks.2.1823556.html July 24, 2010. She is noted to be doing this as she campaigns for the Congress seat being vacated by Diane Watson.

It's no surprise that Bass does not show much concern about using more of the services paid for by the taxpayers than she's entitled to. Bass was discovered to have collected per diems payments recently for Assembly meetings she did not even attend. "California lawmaker skips Capitol meetings but collects tax-free per diem payments- Former state Assembly Speaker Karen Bass has been missing from the chamber more than she has been there since announcing her bid for Congress. Her aides say she has been working in her L.A. district."
June 05, 2010B y Shane Goldmacher, Los Angeles Times

"Bass collected a per diem of $141.80 per day for 29 days she was not in
Sacramento, amounting to a payment of more than $4,000."
The payments are somehow legal but this is clearly an abuse since Bass is actively running her campaign for Congress and as normally is seen, they just don't tend to much business of their office while they look for that new job..

It just goes to show that these people are never at a loss to find laws to pass that affect others, but just don't care to follow the spirit of the laws themselves when it suits them. Thay should not rely on the fact that the "official business" qualification is very loosely applied and it seems there's no requirement for them to show clearly what it is exactly they are doing in the name of "official business." It's a lot of bending of terms and definitions that all comes back to the tax payer to cover. The fox guarding the henhouse is what we have in too many places.

On March 1, 2010, Karn Bass' last day as Speaker, she gave out raises to her staffers, ignoring an unofficial policy of not giving raises during the California budget crisis.

"The Curious Case of Karen Bass - How a dedicated community organizer becomes an insulated, perk-oriented politician." By BETH BARRETT -Thursday, Jul 1, 2010, L.A. WEEKLY, http://www.laweekly.com/2010-07-01/news/the-curious-case-of-karen-bass/
It sure does seem that there's an entitlement notion carried around here by the way Karen Bass approaches things. The L.A. Weekly article givea a lot more examples of the details of what turns out to be not-so-odd behavior for Assembly Speakers as they spend the public's money.
See also, "SacBee: Former speaker handed out staff pay raises," Sacramento Bee, March 5, 2010. http://inlandpolitics.com/blog/2010/03/05/sacbee-former-speaker-handed-out-staff-pay-raises/

John Perez, the cousin of Mayor Villaraigosa, was recently elected with the help of the Mayor's influence and soon replaced Bass as Assembly Speaker on March 1. The Sacremento Bee urged Perez in an editorial in March 2010 to show leadership and reverse the raises that Karen Bass issued on March 1, the last day that she had the authority to give those raises without permission needed of any others.

The Bee said that Bass had grown out of touch with what she needed to do and this was a chance for Perez to start with some good leadership and rescind the raises. It WAS a chance, but read on.

Sounds like a good idea? Not for Perez and surprise for you all. Perez, by the time that tej editorial was published, already gave out raises of his own on March 1, his first day with the power to so order a raise. "New Assembly Speaker John Perez gives chief of staff a $65,000 raise," By Admin– March 16, 2010. http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2010/03/new-assembly-speaker-john-perez-gives-chief-of-staff-a-65000-raise/

So we use something of a piggish theme when it comes to politicians for pulling out money from a state that's broke- much of THAT condition due to their actons- and the message I get from them is, "it's just too bad" for the rest of us.

The raise to the Perez chief of staff made her more highly paid that Perez himself. Well, that's politics where you can weasel your way into situations to reward your friends and family (John, I hope you thank Antonio often for your rapid political rise) and most of the time it's both at the expense of tax payers and done at a time when it is highly inappropriate; just plain bad manners but then pigs don't have manners.

I will get to some other things along these lines that happen with these and other speakers at another time. Remember the predecessor to Bass and Perez, Fabian Nunez, who lived the high life, getting lots of gifts and things paid by non-tazpayer sources, but then when you get favors, do you think it's all for your charm? There might be some favors expected in return, don't you think? We already know the answers and the companies and organizations are not doing this "for their health," to use a phrase that we have all probably heard our parents use in telling us about their guiding actions- "I am not doing this for my health."

Maybe it IS for their health as they all get richer for it and live with more opportunities for self-indulgence. But, as I often mention, this is just a little of all the squeezing politicians do of the system for personal gain. I can only point out a few things but check Mayor Sam's blog and RonKayeLA.com for a lot more each day.